
Friday, June 24, 2011

Tadpole (x3) and a Toad.

I found this toad on the way up from the community center today. It was really, really awesome. David and I went down there to catch tadpoles (which are also here), and we caught two of them. I can't wait until they're all grown up. Seriously, they're so big! They're already growing their legs in.

But, then again, I'll probably set my toad free after a few days. The tadpoles will have to stay, considering I'll just feed them - like - fish food or something for the next week or so until they're fully grown. They eat that, don't they?


I should probably find a better-suiting home than an apple juice bottle, though. My toad is currently living in a strawberry box - the see through kind with the holes. I put duct tape on the bottom and filled it with rocks and dirt, and even a little pool of water made out of tin foil. I should probably get a better home for it, too. Maybe even fill half of the aquarium with water and the other half with rocks. That would work, right?

Speaking of tadpoles, Jeni had her baby! It was a boy, 7'7'', 20 inches. I was so proud of her, but I haven't gotten to hold the baby yet, so I'm going to go over there tomorrow and talk to her while probably playing with baby, or just holding him. He's so adorable, and probably will be even more awesome since he won't be all red and goobery from the just-been-born thing.

It's so warm out right now, I'm sitting here in a shirt and short-shorts, no shoes and on my laptop looking for a babysitting thing I could manage. I would enjoy doing babysitting, probably about once a week or so, and get paid pretty well for it. I really love kids, too.

Alright, back to finding people who need their kids babysat~

Always, love,


Monday, June 20, 2011

Tadpole! Come out!

Yesterday, I talked with my ex-boyfriend, got some stuff settled, and now I'm at more of a peace. I thanked him and told him that I was happy for him. We talked for about a half an hour after that and then after that, he gave me a ride up to my house and I chilled. I feel a lot better, less stressed.

Right now, my eldest sister, Jeni, is having her baby that is a week overdue. I'm sitting here in St. Lukes Hospital in Duluth, sitting in the waiting room on the Birthing Center floor. God, this is just intimidating. I've been sitting here since 2:45 pm, and I'm just so... Fff. Sick of waiting. I want Tadpole to come out! I want to hold it and just swaddle it and cuddle it and love it. Is that so much to ask?

My sister's mother-in-law's name is Jennifer as well, so we call her Jen. Jen loves to talk. She's been talking the entire day away, and balls. I'm getting so sick of her. I was trying to read earlier and she just kept talking and talking and talking and I got kind of... angry and finally just stuck my nose in my book and read.

I really don't know what I'm going to do... I need to get a job, but I could sell paintings and stuff for a good price. No, it's not very consistent pay, but I would really enjoy doing it. Painting and sketching. Maybe even doing collages and stuff. Masks. c:

Hopefully the baby will come soon and I can work a little more on my book and stories for online.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So, yesterday I went to court, and I found out that I only have to do 3-6 months (3 if I'm good) of probation, and only 24 hours of community service. Though the court was a very emotional and dramatic thing, with the mother of the victim being there -- you have to remember, I was good friends with these people for a very long while, and was part of their family. Often times, I liked them more than my own family -- and saying a few words of "she was hurt emotionally, under the skin, and I still care for Alex, and wish for her to have a safe place to go." When I was in bad moods and such, I usually went down there to sit in a certain chair and sulk, or cry. I've been having chronic depression since about when I was 12, 7th grade. Not many people liked me, and I often times didn't try to make any new friends. I found it hard to even talk to teachers without crying. So, I stayed in a shell until about last year, 2010, when I finally realized that people like me, and I can do whatever I want when I get older, no matter what people say and what people tell me. I just had to work hard, and lately, I haven't been living up to my potential.

I'm trying to get a job. I have applications to fill out, but I'm sucking -- badly, at that -- about filling them out. It's almost summer, I'm in the middle of a cold, or strep (I really don't know), and I feel like crap because of stress and friends and school ending in a few days. With finals, more finals and even more finals, my friends and I are paired up and I don't know how I'm going to survive by being sick all the time and not wanting to get anyone sick... For example, one of my friends texted me this morning and told me if I didn't get my ass to school, we were going to fail and it would be all my fault for jeopardizing our grade like that. Hell, I know that. Did she not think I knew that? I didn't come to school today because I couldn't swallow a pill smaller than a pebble, because my tonsils are so swollen that I cough and it feels like I have two tennis balls stuck in the back of my throat. I can't even swallow correctly. Yes, I could have gone to school, but my mom told me to stay home today if I couldn't swallow my Tylenol. I did about an hour ago with some work, but my throat keeps swelling up like a bullfrogs!

I've already watched about 3 episodes of Fruits Basket and planning on watching a movie or reading (maybe even sleeping, but I have an appointment at 1, so maybe not) the last book of Percy Jackson & the Olympians, because I'm almost done with that series... Maybe go around for a walk since it's so green, the summer is coming in so fast. It's already so warm and everything's just blooming... except the flower I keep trying to grow. That's not working so well.

Maybe I'll just watch some Grey's Anatomy or Bones, since I still need to catch up on those shows now that I've caught up on House. -sigh-

That and I need to write... and finish the project that my friend and I have to do... and go to the doctor... and possibly go fishing this afternoon...

Fff. So fucking busy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Cirque du Soleil: Ovo was amazing. It was humorous, there was a lot of crowd interactions (one of the cricket guys that hold down the net for the Scarab's Flight, the acrobatics show, kept picking at my shoulder like a beast. xD He did it like five times before I realized who it was) and the shows were amazing. My favorite part was the ants and their amazing flipping everything with their feet, including other people. |:

I did go to the Mall of America, got brand new earrings (they were giant seashell ones with owls on them <3) and they reminded me of Athena, so I just had to get them. They were only like, 3.50, too. I only have like, 7 dollars left though. xD Out of thirty, of course. But I can buy a Sub sandwich with that, so I can do that.

I miss everyone back at home, though this trip was amazing, I want to see them really bad. <3

Oh, and it's either allergies or a cold, but I'm dying over here. Snot and crying and more snot and soreness... eugh. It's pretty bad. Anyway, it's my turn to head into the bathroom to pee and change. (:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Le Cirque du Soleil

Tonight, I'm going to Cirque de Soleil in Minneapolis. Right now, I'm in the Country Inn across from the Mall of America, and everyone is taking a lay down before we go explored Ikea and the mall. I'm thinking of grabbing an over shirt or changing before hand so I'm warmer. I'll put pictures up (if I have a camera, or will be able to take pictures) but I have 26 dollars to my name for food and hopefully the show will be worth the 91 dollars my mom spent on me.

I think it is time to go look up Cirque videos on YouTube.

Oh! And my friend Zack sent me this wonderful picture of himself, trying to send it to his boyfriend. Ah, my friends are wonderful. <3

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sims 3

 Aaalrighty. So, I'm still down in the cities, and we didn't go batting today, but we had a ton of fun going around shopping for groceries, and I had the best burger in my life, courteous of my brother!

So, tonight we're babysitting for the two parents as they're out visiting a friend, and Logan's asleep, Emma and mom are watching a movie, so I'm writing, and playing Sims 3. I decided to take a few screenshots for you. <3

David & I in bed
 David & I doing our things
David & I being... cute?
 Okay, David, what are you doing?

Yeah, that's right, I'm the man in this situation. |8

But, um, yeah. xD I love David so much, and we're going to save up our money so we can get a big house for all the kids we're going to have... But first we're going to have one in this house, and I don't know what to name it.

I'll post more picture when the wedding party is going to happen, so expect more pictures. xD

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Baby Fever!

My eldest brother and sister-and-law had a baby about two months ago. Today is the first day I have held the baby, Logan. When I held him, he had the hiccups, and he moves so much. It was so wonderful.

Lately, though, I've been so craving babies. Babies, babies, babies! My boyfriend and I just go around, and my sister is pregnant, there's a baby here, everyone on the television has babies, and I ask, "So, when is it my turn?"... He just tells me that our parents would kill us and we DON'T have the money to do that. So, no babies for me. But... It's so tempting. I just want a baby! I might go into a babysitting service or something... I just want to hold babies, tend to babies... It's so nice. They're so small, and SO cute.

Just so you know, I live waaay up on the North Shore, Grand Marais to be specific, and today, and for the weekend, I'm in St. Paul with my siblings and mom. And nephew. <3

I know I haven't been keeping up with a daily blog! But there hasn't been much of anything going on in my life. I will try to do every other day, or at least twice a week! I know none of you guys probably don't care all that much, but still. I would like you to know that.

Alright! I have to go write! (Fuck yeah, I rhymed.)


This upcoming weekend, (the one in June, not May) I'm going to Cirque de Soleil with my old friends Jill and Emily. I'll take pictures and upload them here!  Okay, NOW, I go write. And see the baby. <3